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Depression and Anxiety Meetup

my friend @Zoey_Granitz gave me this prompt: “Depression and anxiety meeting each other for the first time.” ok We’re going to call them D and A. D: <is sitting on the bench staring at their phone> A: <is also sitting on the bench staring at their phone> D: <glances up very briefly to see if the pfp of A matches the person next to him. is horrified to see that, not only is it her, she is, in fact, just as beautiful as she is online. returns eyes to phone> …

Silly String

I asked my friends for prompts because I need to write. This is for @anonymoose7777. Why do people like silly string exactly? I don’t understand the appeal. Ha ha! Ho ho! Let me spray you in the face out of a can!!!! “I live for this!!” Seriously. Who likes getting their personal space invaded by random long… stringy… thingies out of a can? Probably the same people who take up two parking spaces with one car. I said what I said.

This Post is Dedicated to La Croix

I want to write a post about this drink. It is disgusting. Most of the flavors taste absolutely terrible! Why do we drink it? Why does anyone drink it? I drink it because I’m not allergic to it. At least, I’m not allergic to some types of it. I know a lot of people drink it because it isn’t soda. And here is the thing. It’s so bad, it’s good. It hits the “this must actually be good” weirdness-itch. You know? The itch. The one that Vogue scratches. When you …

One of My Most Embarrassing Moments

I thought this would be fun. It’s always nice to get to know people a little more, isn’t it? So I was in Argentina as a foreign exchange student. I went there when I was 18 to study abroad for a year with the American Field Service (AFS). It was a very fun, wild, and interesting time. The food was delicious. I also was hungry a lot of the time, because my host family was tiny and thin, and I’m a 5′ 9 3/4″ person. So after meals, I would …

I Think My Inner Trekkie Just Died and Went to Heaven

Figuratively. So I’m a huge Star Trek nerd. My favorite series growing up was Voyager, which my family watched together, because I loved that the captain was a woman, and that we had the same name! (Captain Katherine Janeway) 😂 . I also love The Next Generation. As a teen, I found the joy of playing the theme songs for Star Trek on the piano. They’re pretty fun. Somewhere along the line, I was given a cd set for “How to Learn to Speak Klingon.” They recommend holding a napkin …

How to Choose the Best Colors for your Fall Decor

Of all the seasons, I find fall the trickiest. Orange, brown, green, yellow… these colors can either add to or subtract from the feeling in a room, depending on their shade. (Or you can just decorate with all of them and just enjoy it. That works too.) To pick the best shades for your home, it’s important to know what color palate works with your existing colors- your walls, your furniture, and your lighting. If you have warm tones like cream, warm brown, peach, and yellow in your home, here …