Hi! It’s nice to meet you. I’m Catharine.

I’m a follower of Jesus, wife and stay-at-home mom to two little boys. I was a choir teacher before we had kids. I love cats, coffee, quilts, and deep conversation. Life-long trekkie and Taylor Swift fan!

I’m really glad you’re here.

I started this blog in early 2020 because I felt the need to speak out about many of the issues I’ve seen the evangelical Christian church facing, especially in America. I also thought it would be fun to write about homey and sweet stuff as a way to balance the more challenging subjects. I love reading blogs written by other moms, and I wanted to encourage others, sharing whatever tips and experiences I’ve learned, to help people feel seen and like they aren’t the only one who’s faced certain situations.

Jesus is above politics. Yet the mechanics of government can absolutely be leveraged to do good in the world. I want to speak to that as much as I can and highlight opportunities where we as individuals can stand up for what is right, and can help others.

I had an extremely conservative upbringing, and have become more liberal over time. Throughout my life, I’ve wrestled with the concept of Biblical womanhood. For many years, in an attempt to be obedient to God, I’ve made myself smaller. It’s been a cycle- I will speak up and more fully inhabit the space I’m in, and either receive negative feedback (which I’ve written some about on the blog so far), or feel spiritually convicted, and proceed to hide again. I know that God made me to be who I am.

And so this blog is also an exploration of who I am. I am opinionated and strong, and also love homemaking and gentle creative arts. I exhibit both stereotypically feminine traits, AND stereotypically masculine ones.

I want people, and especially Christian women, to know that it is ok for them to be themselves. You might see what appears to be a disconnect on this blog between the “girly” posts and the “masculine” posts- but they’re all “me.” (I hope that over time, it won’t feel so disjointed).

I hope that you feel encouraged and emboldened after spending time here connecting, and I pray that God will be glorified and draw us all closer to his heart.

And coffee? Coffee is amazing. I love coffee. You can talk about anything over a cup of coffee.

Thus, the name of this blog.

Thank you for being here, and thank you for reading. I hope you’ll make lots of comments and share yourself with me, too! This is a positive community where it’s ok to be you, ok to question and to challenge… a place of acceptance.


PS You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook , and Instagram.

Here is a page where you can contact me.
