Showing: 11 - 20 of 25 RESULTS

Do You Feel Like a Unicorn Who Doesn’t “Fit In” in the US Evangelical Christian Community?

I want you to know that you aren’t alone. Some Christians are conservative in their personal beliefs and are liberal in their political beliefs. Some Christians are liberal in both their personal beliefs and their political beliefs. Some Christians are moderates. The body of Christ is big, and it is diverse. The problem is that the loudest voices often override the quieter ones. Especially in the US evangelical Christian church, there has recently been an almost cult-like rallying of people around “conservative” beliefs that aren’t even necessarily traditionally conservative things. …

Things You Will Find in Literally Every Single church of Christ

The c is intentionally lower case. I grew up in the churches of Christ. I have visited many. And though I’m sure there MUST be exceptions, here are some things that I’ve pretty much universally found in many of them. I list these with genuine affection, and perhaps a touch of humor, but it is love-tinged humor. 1. Fake plants and flowers It’s a fact of nature. Fake trees and/or bushes, and various silk flower arrangements are bound to end up inside the church building as decoration. My guess is …

For the Victims of the Errant Kabul Missile Strike

There is literally nothing good I can say about this. According to recent news coverage, the United States military has openly admitted to errantly targeting and killing 10 civilians in an August 29th Kabul drone strike attack, 7 of them children. According to General Frank MacKenzie, the car targeted in the attack was believed to contain explosives intended to be used by ISIS, but they were wrong. I’ve watched footage of the family reeling from the aftermath of the attack. Samia Ahmadi lost both her fiancé and her father. Many …

Bible Reflection | Matthew 1:18-25

I thought it would be good to spend some time reading and writing about scripture. I’d love to connect with you, as a reader, and hear your thoughts. What stands out to you in this passage? Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her …

An Open Letter to Joe Biden’s Church

This letter is written in response to the recent reports that Joe Biden is facing protesters at the doors of his own church, with some efforts being made to try to prevent him from partaking in communion, over his political stance on the issue of abortion. Dear members and leaders of St. Joseph on the Brandywine, I know you’re trying to “expel the immoral brother,” to not even eat with someone who is associated with sexual immorality, to call your brother to repent, and to try to save the lives …

Why Christian Purity Culture May Be Partially to Blame for the Tragic Atlanta Massage Parlor Shootings

I originally wrote this post on March 22, 2021. It has taken me some time to clearly envision the purpose of my writing, which is why I’m posting it now. My heart broke when I read about the shooting that happened this past Thursday in Atlanta, Georgia, which resulted in the death of eight people, mostly Asian-Americans. A shooter had visited several spa massage parlors; the suspect, Aaron Long, was arrested by police, and claimed to be on his way to Florida to carry out additional shootings. Among other things, …

The Conversation We Need To Be Having About Abortion

People tend to be in “life-or-death mode” about abortion. It’s either life-or-death needing to be ended, or life-or-death needing to be a protected right. We are in a gridlock over this issue in the United States. I would like to see our country be able to move forward in some sort of bipartisan way that finds a path of peace, or at least relative peace, when it comes to abortion. The problem, from my perspective, is that the actual conversation that needs to happen needs to be unearthed from beneath …

Everyone Is Responsible for Afghanistan

So I’ve read quite a bit of commentary on this one. Everyone is pointing a finger in one direction or another. Who is responsible? Is President Biden responsible for the messy exit? Or is the Afghan government responsible? Biden trusted Afghan’s leaders when they asked him not to begin an evacuation prior to the US exiting, lest it show a lack of faith in the Afghan government. Is it Trump’s responsibility, because he negotiated with terrorists, invited them to Camp David, and emboldened them to think they were making official …

What My Experience was Actually Like Using Gender-Neutral Bathrooms… in 2005

SO I went to two colleges. The first one, Oberlin College, is considered one of the most liberal colleges in the United States. I absolutely loved it! In fact, though I later switched to a private Christian college, Pepperdine, I found the Christian community at the more-secular school to be much more vibrant and authentic than at the “Christian” college. But that’s a topic for another post. Today I want to talk about the fact that while at Oberlin I used- and survived- gender neutral bathrooms! There were bathrooms everywhere… …

How to Help People in Afghanistan

The recent events in Afghanistan have been heartbreaking, to say the least. With the Taliban takeover, basic human rights and assurance of safety is at risk. People are currently dying in stampedes as they attempt to reach the airport to escape. I’ve been on the lookout this week for ways to help, and thought I’d make a summary here. Along with donating to aid organizations, you can text CRISIS to 52886, and it will connect you with a message you can send to your representatives in Congress follow people on …