(photo: backyard little flowers earlier this week)

I see

green leaf, white edge, pointy spikes, trying to catch the rain drops

I hear

thud thud drop

I smell nothing. hence the cold

my tongue wants real food

my brain wants to fly

I feel the keys under my fingers and this old chair and my flip flops and this soft sweater that is probably getting confused about whether I am the sweater, or if I am wearing it

and I just realized that

it isn’t raining, it just feels like it’s raining, and something else is making the thudding sound

happy Wednesday

PS I still can’t figure out what the sound is maybe it’s my neighbor doing a project but it sounds like basketball but it isn’t basketball. but like, tiny basketball

(PPS the source of the sound has been located it is people building a house a ways away. good job them, they sound like rain)


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