I thought it would be fun to occasionally write my opinion about random things. Ignore this if it’s weird, I know that it’s weird.
ok. so.
Trees are good. I’m a big fan of most trees, especially Christmas trees, also willow trees, eucalyptus trees, most pine trees (especially redwoods), Indian Paintbrush trees, and trees growing fruits I’m not allergic to at a specific given time, such as plum trees.
Least favorite trees: well, at the top of that list would be the rubber tree, which doesn’t even grow on my continent, but has managed to semi-ruin my life in recent years, as I became escalatingly allergic to its wood and sap (latex). If it weren’t for the industrial revolution, I’d be fine, but no, we had to take this very random tree, from a different continent, and put its sap into most of our clothes, our wheels, our drywall, our particleboard, our asphalt, our shoes, much of our tape and glue, and sometimes even our ink, and many electronics. We basically fell in love, it would seem, with this one tree that doesn’t even grow on our continent, and just rubbed it all over ourselves. Weird image. Ok yes but. Ok. It’s given people allergies that didn’t have them, like me, to it, because latex allergy is acquired, and it’s a progressive allergy once you have it, which really sucks. And we think it’s fun to take that sap and blow it up into balls for parties, which is such a weird thing if you think about it, but again, we humans are weird, and if aliens are watching us, there are many things to be marveled/wondered at, and this is one. And those inflated balls, and gloves made out of tree sap, are the primary exposure most people have that create and then progress their allergy. Two totally optional things that we really didn’t have to do, if you look at the course of human history. There are so many better things to inflate and make gloves out of.
Sorry this wasn’t supposed to be a rant, and look what I did. It’s a rant. Oops.
Other trees I don’t like? Only ones I’m allergic to. Which is a judgment call I’ll make on a case by case basis. Walnut trees are ok but not while they’re being shaken. Then they could just not be here, I’d be ok with that.
What about the Douglas fir? It’s a pine tree and nobody bothered to check. It just sprouted up and said “Hi, there. I’m your new fir tree,” and everybody was all “Sure, we’ll run with that. Why would a tree lie?” Not only that, but we just accept that all of them are named Douglas. The law of averages is astronomically against every tree family just ‘happening’ to choose the name Douglas for its sapling. Those trees are definitely up to something. Did you know the genus for the Douglas fir is Pseudotsuga which means “false hemlock”? What an oddly specific to deny. If I offered you a glass of iced tea and said “Just so you know, there’s absolutely no hemlock in this,” you would never look at me the same way again. But we trust trees no matter how suspiciously they behave. Because they’re trees.
you know. these are valid points. extremely valid points.
i’m sure there is the occasional deviant Douglas fir who resents the family name. have we given him proper attention? no!!
also yes re:
“I am not a hemlock.” definitely screams “disguised hemlock”
*looks around at trees with renewed suspicion*