opinion: male celebrities

I just want to take a moment to acknowledge the people who should be acknowledged, and to also not acknowledge the people who shouldn’t be acknowledged.

I’ll start with my least favorite male celebrities:

I’m imagining an image. I won’t say his name. orange.


Next: favorite male celebrities:

Ryan Gosling


First off, of course, is Ryan Gosling, because of course.

I think one of my favorite things about him is this little kid who is very much part of the grown up him:

(I honor the adults who were protective forces in his life).

I thought he was amazing in Barbie. Like. Just nailed the entire thing. I like his performance at the Oscars.

More favorite male celebrities:
William Shatner


I’m a huge Shatner fan. Of course, for Star Trek, but also for what he’s done with that fame. Did you hear him speak, after going to space (which, I just have to say, was so cool to see Captain Kirk do)? He talked about the fragility of life on earth and how delicate it all is- the small blanket of atmosphere surrounding the planet- the barrier between life and death. Mr. Elon Musk was popping champagne and Shatner was *present.* Anyway I just loved him for doing that.

Also have you seen the newest Star Trek short film he appears in? Coolest thing!!! Seriously the coolest thing!!!!

He’s also been very active on Twitter, which is simply a wonderful thing to witness @WilliamShatner.

Dick Van Dyke

I love Dick Van Dyke because of the joy he brings to every single thing he does. He’s clearly got so much love in his heart.


Jimmy Fallon

He’s one of my favorite people on planet earth. Kind, funny, talented, using the power he has to do good. It always makes me happy, to see him. I may have named someone after him.


John Krasinski

I love John Krasinski for many reasons. One of my favorite things he did was the show he made during lockdown during the pandemic- Some Good News. Did you see that? It’s wonderful. He also made full use of the business up top, casual on the bottom Zoom joke, which was also wonderful.

Johnny Depp

Pirates of the Caribbean is one of my favorite movies and I just love everything he did in that movie, and I’m sure he’s sick of it now, but it was just so amazing, and I’ll be forever grateful for him pretending to be a possibly-drunk-at-all-times pirate.


Ed Sheeran

Of course. Because he’s genuine and keeps showing up as himself, including being real about his struggles, which I know can be difficult.

Barack Obama

I don’t think of him as a “celebrity” because he’s more of a public figure, but since I mentioned someone orange I feel like I can also mention him, because he’s one of my favorite people, someone I feel genuinely lucky to have been on the planet earth at the same time as.

For his presidency, his words, and the imprint he made on our country, as well as the best mic drop I’ve ever seen on camera.


Ok there you go those are my current opinions that come to mind about male celebrities. There are many more amazing men who also happen to be famous. Some of them are dead and I haven’t mentioned them, like Fred Rogers.


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