Showing: 21 - 27 of 27 RESULTS

How I Met My Husband

So I thought I would share a story that makes me happy just to think about, and perhaps gives a little window into our lives. I arrived on campus for New Student Orientation (NSO) at the small liberal arts college I was about to start attending, and had one primary objective on my mind: I wanted to find a husband. You might consider it sad, but it’s true. This was a very important thing on my mind. Because I wanted to share my faith with a future partner, I wanted …

New Site Name! “Coffee with Catharine”

I’ve been faced with a challenge that many women, especially women raised in traditional, conservative environments face: how to be both strong and feminine. It’s honestly something that has challenged me as much in my personal life as it is challenging me as I try to put my finger on the exact tone I want this blog to have. I want this to be a beautiful place, a gentle and kind place, and an affirming place. I want people to enjoy spending time on this site, and to leave it …

The Best Advice I Was Ever Given About Housekeeping

I tend to be an all-or-nothing type of person. I grew up with very black and white thinking about morality issues, and have worked hard to see things more in varying shades of grey. But the extreme tendencies are still there, including when it comes to keeping house. I write to you in a messy situation. The couch is currently in pieces; I think the pillows are being used by the kids kind of like lily-pads to jump between to avoid a floor made of lava? They are also smeared …

A Page in My Book… No.2

So I’ve been trying to decide what the purpose of this blog even is. I started it as a “bridge” in the Trump era- I though I’d try to speak to conservatives and liberals; try to somehow bring people together. Then I thought I’d talk about hot topics- that I’d talk about racism, Black Lives Matter, etc. I might still do that. I got spooked, because I’m white, middle class, and not the sufferer of racism in the US. Can I speak to something I don’t know? Am I supposed …

Why It’s Important to Fail

I have a problem. It’s something I’m working on. Whenever I start to feel happy, like really, really happy, a “voice” starts talking in the back of my mind. It reminds me of flaws, problems, and primarily things on to-do lists from years past. It reminds me of things I told someone I would do at one point in life, and then never did, and now there is no way I can do them. It reminds me of all kinds of little things I still feel guilty for that I …

A Page in My Book… No.1

Hi. So… I reached a writer’s block. Maybe six months ago, I started a series on race. My goal was to support the Black Lives Matter movement by taking a centrist position and describing underlying definitions of race and race relations. I’m going to admit that I bit off more than I could chew. I was trying to approach things from the middle- from a perspective that wouldn’t offend anyone, and would bring everyone together. As time went on, I started to feel my whiteness increasingly keenly. Someone seemed to …

Don’t Disappear to “Keep the Peace”

A couple years ago, on Donald Trump’s first official day as elected President of the United States, I participated in the Womens’ March in our town. It was comparatively small (maybe 300 people), and it wasn’t an “official” march, but it was affiliated. It was very exciting to me to be able to actually do something to voice my dissent over Donald Trump’s election, and to stand up for basic human values of respect and tolerance. I went with a really good friend, and with my mom. I had to …