It it is a glorified pillow with eyeballs. And it is a thing of beauty. You can squish it. You can hug it. You can toss it. You can arrange it on your couch. You can arrange it on your bed. (“bop it! twist it! pull it!” comes to mind) Anyway they are cute, they …
I Love ♡
some things i’ve been loving
Lately in the evenings, Alex and I have been watching/rewatching Schitt’s Creek on Amazon. It’s such a good show. I didn’t watch it when it first came out because of the name and I thought it might have something crude/ sexual about it. I’m an idiot. Or I was one. Or a prude. Or both. …
my cat
My cat inspires me. Atticus. He inspires me because he’s getting older and what he does differently, because of that, is rest more. When he’s tired, he lies down. When he wants to snuggle, he jumps up next to you, and sits on top of you. When he’s hungry, he goes to his food bowl. …
My Kitchen Favorites
Hi friends. I thought I would share some of the kitchen items that I own and depend on. I tend to do a lot of research before buying anything, so I hope this will save you some time! These are my favorite plastic cutting boards. I love that they don’t have a “well” around the …