Showing: 1 - 10 of 14 RESULTS

last weekend

Last weekend we celebrated my mom’s birthday and it was a really sweet time. We made cranes. I made dinner. I’ve been experimenting with browning ground beef or pork- pork is better, and then making a cream cheese sauce, with pasta. It made me really happy to see that people liked it. Alex made brownies. …


The past few days, the kids and I have been making valentines together. (cutting hearts out of art paper and water coloring them) drying added a dum-dum how they turned out (Also I now have Valentine Nails!) (You can’t really see it, but there are heart-shaped cherries on my toes!) Hope you’re ok.


good morning. I dropped my Pinephone (my camera) inside the couch yesterday and it was stuck and the only way to get it out involved Alex LIFTING UP the couch and so he LIFTED UP the couch and the Atticus (our cat) of course DARTED UNDER the couch and so Alex was LIFTING UP the …


Today was pretty good. The people affected by the fires are still on my mind. I read the news a bit. Really horrific things are happening. It’s hard to know sometimes how to process things like that while also taking care of kids, etc. (Here is a list of helping organizations). We played dominos and …

new camera

I got a new-to-me camera a month ago or so (refurbished, using points and with a coupon- yay!). It’s the Canon Powershot V10- a point and shoot for carrying around in my pocket. I like it so far! I like the video and the ability to take selfies like I used to when I had …