Showing: 1 - 10 of 36 RESULTS

some of my favorite Taylor Swift songs

I thought I’d write about some of my favorite Taylor Swift songs. Of course there are too many to choose from, but here are a few… Why: the anticipation she builds through the lack of satisfying cadences, for a really long time. We would hate it if the whole first minute and a half were loud and confident. We would hate it. The simple rotation between chords, paired with overconfidence? Would make us cringe like clapping on 1 and 3. But it’s so soft, almost whispered, with a driven beat, …


It it is a glorified pillow with eyeballs. And it is a thing of beauty. You can squish it. You can hug it. You can toss it. You can arrange it on your couch. You can arrange it on your bed. (“bop it! twist it! pull it!” comes to mind) Anyway they are cute, they are fun, they are expensive at times and inexpensive at other times, and they are undeniably squishy. In a few years, 80% of the ones people have will probably be at yard sales, because they …

some things i’ve been loving

Lately in the evenings, Alex and I have been watching/rewatching Schitt’s Creek on Amazon. It’s such a good show. I didn’t watch it when it first came out because of the name and I thought it might have something crude/ sexual about it. I’m an idiot. Or I was one. Or a prude. Or both. Anyway it’s an amazing show and it has absolutely nothing to do with shit. via GIPHY Reading-wise I’m baby-stepping, or rather tip-toeing, through Michelle Obama’s “The Light We Carry.” It’s delicious, even in tiny bites. …

my cat

My cat inspires me. Atticus. He inspires me because he’s getting older and what he does differently, because of that, is rest more. When he’s tired, he lies down. When he wants to snuggle, he jumps up next to you, and sits on top of you. When he’s hungry, he goes to his food bowl. He isn’t interested in politics, he doesn’t care who is fighting with whom, he just knows that he loves everyone around him, and also would like some adoration. He has healthy self-esteem. He doesn’t hold …

What Has Happened Since I Last Wrote

A whole lot has happened since I last wrote! A whole lot of it includes things I can’t put on a blog. But I want to talk about the things that I can put here. I have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), which finally provided an explanation for allergic reactions I have gotten over the past 5 years or so that don’t have a clear allergen responsible for them. Basically, MCAS is an immune system disorder that causes allergic reactions (equal or similar in symptoms to those caused by allergies) …

Finding the Nuance in the Abortion Debate

*Note: I want to acknowledge that everyone with a uterus is affected by this topic, regardless of gender identity. My story When I was younger, I was taught that an unborn fetus is a “blob” in the uterus, by someone born in the 1950s. I’d seen and experienced sexism, and started to identify as a feminist. I believed in the separation between church and state, and thought abortion limits were a religious overreach. Somewhat matter-of-factly, I figured I was pro-choice. I thought, the church doesn’t belong in peoples’ doctor appointments, …

for the spiritually bedraggled Christian

If you’re looking at the new year, looking at the world, and at life and, like so many of us, have reached the bottom knot of your rope ◦ If you can’t believe what the church has become and it makes you almost physically sick to contemplate the vast deception, misleading, lies even from the people entrusted with the guarding of sheep ◦ If you’re alone distanced rejected or you’ve had to distance yourself for the sake of protection ◦ Disillusioned Bereft Confused Exhausted ◦ There’s a fountain that is …

New Year’s Resolutions Schmedolutions

Congratulations, you have made it to the other side of Christmas. This might be sad, or it might be a relief, depending on your feelings on the matter. I wrote about some of the challenges I faced trying to prepare for the holiday, and I just want to report, that in the end, everything worked out. We were able to spend time together celebrating as a family, and my mom especially went above and beyond to try to make things feel “normal” for us (she made us some latex-free stockings …

A Path Forward for Conservatives and Liberals in the US

I grew up in a conservative, fundamentalist Christian church. I’ve voted for our current Republican congressman (with many regrets, I might add). I live in an area that is dominated by conservative voices. My church circle is conservative. Though my immediate family is liberal, much of my extended family is conservative. Our closest family friends are conservative. Though I’m sure not all conservatives share the same views, I really think I’ve taken the time to listen and try to understand the way that many conservative people are viewing things right …