I missed November, so here’s an early Cats-of-the-Month for December. 🐱 . Hang in there. Sending you warm wishes, I hope you’ll consider joining my email list to be notified of new posts! SUBSCRIBE Built with ConvertKit
Giving Thanks
It’s a rough season of life for most of us. Whether it’s due to personal struggles, or the pandemic, or health, aging, injustice in multiple forms, not getting along with family members or friends, there’s a lot. The righteous desire to stand up for what’s right can actually create quite a bit of stress, because …
You Do Not Have to Be Perfect – Part 2
For my brothers, especially: This is a PSA that you do not have to be perfect. You do not have to have it all together. You do not have to be strong. You don’t have to always know what to do. It’s ok to fail. You do not have to have the perfect home. You …
You Do Not Have to Be Perfect
For my sisters, especially: This is a PSA that you do not have to be perfect. You do not have to have it all together. You do not have to have a perfect home. You do not have to have a perfect family. You can have a messy house. You do not have to have …
What “Progressive Christianity” Means to Me
This is a shortened version of my original post. For me personally, here is why I call myself a Progressive Christian. 1. Social and environmental justice I see God’s call for us to “love our neighbor as ourselves” as directly related to social and environmental justice efforts. I want to be part of efforts to …
Our Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
If you’ve been waiting for a sign to bake chocolate chip cookies, here you go. This is based on an Alton Brown recipe my husband Alex found. It became his signature cookie recipe, and now we’re all obsessed. Recipe: Chocolate Chip Cookies Serves: How many people? Well, this depends on how self-controlled you are. In …
Are You Having Pre-2024 Election Jitters?
I’m trying very hard not to. I’m trying to focus on this current moment. Trying to focus on the joys and challenges of the here and now. But I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I’m kind of dreading 2024. 😂 .😭 I often remember something that John Oliver said in his show, directly …
One of My Most Embarrassing Moments
I thought this would be fun. It’s always nice to get to know people a little more, isn’t it? So I was in Argentina as a foreign exchange student. I went there when I was 18 to study abroad for a year with the American Field Service (AFS). It was a very fun, wild, and …
I Think My Inner Trekkie Just Died and Went to Heaven
Figuratively. So I’m a huge Star Trek nerd. My favorite series growing up was Voyager, which my family watched together, because I loved that the captain was a woman, and that we had the same name! (Captain Katherine Janeway) 😂 . I also love The Next Generation. As a teen, I found the joy of …
Blind Faith and Mental Illness can be a Deadly Combination
Until earlier this month, Bryan Riley of Brandon, Florida, worked as a security guard at a church. He was an ex-marine sharpshooter, and had served in Afghanistan and Iraq. He suffered from PTSD. Like many do, he believed he could hear God directly speaking to him. He told his girlfriend that “God was telling him” …