How I Met My Husband

So I thought I would share a story that makes me happy just to think about, and perhaps gives a little window into our lives. I arrived on campus for New Student Orientation (NSO) at the small liberal arts college I was about to start attending, and had one primary objective on my mind: I wanted to find a husband. You might consider it sad, but it’s true. This was a very important thing on my mind. Because I wanted to share my faith with a future partner, I wanted …

New Site Name! “Coffee with Catharine”

I’ve been faced with a challenge that many women, especially women raised in traditional, conservative environments face: how to be both strong and feminine. It’s honestly something that has challenged me as much in my personal life as it is challenging me as I try to put my finger on the exact tone I want this blog to have. I want this to be a beautiful place, a gentle and kind place, and an affirming place. I want people to enjoy spending time on this site, and to leave it …

The Best Advice I Was Ever Given About Housekeeping

I tend to be an all-or-nothing type of person. I grew up with very black and white thinking about morality issues, and have worked hard to see things more in varying shades of grey. But the extreme tendencies are still there, including when it comes to keeping house. I write to you in a messy situation. The couch is currently in pieces; I think the pillows are being used by the kids kind of like lily-pads to jump between to avoid a floor made of lava? They are also smeared …

Everyone Is Responsible for Afghanistan

So I’ve read quite a bit of commentary on this one. Everyone is pointing a finger in one direction or another. Who is responsible? Is President Biden responsible for the messy exit? Or is the Afghan government responsible? Biden trusted Afghan’s leaders when they asked him not to begin an evacuation prior to the US exiting, lest it show a lack of faith in the Afghan government. Is it Trump’s responsibility, because he negotiated with terrorists, invited them to Camp David, and emboldened them to think they were making official …

Recipe: Mujadarrah with Peas and Greek Yogurt

This is one of my favorite recipes. It is healthy, makes great leftovers, and my 2 and 5 year old gobble it up! Mujadarrah is a Lebanese/ Egyptian dish- legend has it, it was the “savory” that Esau sold his birthright for. Who knows if that’s actually the case, but we certainly love it. From start to finish, including prep (chopping onions, washing and sorting lentils), it takes about 1 1/2 hours. Most of that is not active. I just like to know what time I need to “start” cooking …

What My Experience was Actually Like Using Gender-Neutral Bathrooms… in 2005

SO I went to two colleges. The first one, Oberlin College, is considered one of the most liberal colleges in the United States. I absolutely loved it! In fact, though I later switched to a private Christian college, Pepperdine, I found the Christian community at the more-secular school to be much more vibrant and authentic than at the “Christian” college. But that’s a topic for another post. Today I want to talk about the fact that while at Oberlin I used- and survived- gender neutral bathrooms! There were bathrooms everywhere… …

How to Help People in Afghanistan

The recent events in Afghanistan have been heartbreaking, to say the least. With the Taliban takeover, basic human rights and assurance of safety is at risk. People are currently dying in stampedes as they attempt to reach the airport to escape. I’ve been on the lookout this week for ways to help, and thought I’d make a summary here. Along with donating to aid organizations, you can text CRISIS to 52886, and it will connect you with a message you can send to your representatives in Congress follow people on …

Why it is Insanely Stupid for Christians to Not Get Vaccinated Against COVID19

Hi. I hope you’re doing ok. As you know, I’ve been going back and forth about the purpose of this blog, blah blah blah. Essentially, the crux of it is this: I’m deciding how authentic to be. So I’m going to go ahead and go with being authentic. I am a female, I am feminine, but I am not going to be so determined to be a people-pleaser that I stay quiet about things that might make people feel threatened or uncomfortable. The whole reason I started blogging to begin …

A Page in My Book… No.2

So I’ve been trying to decide what the purpose of this blog even is. I started it as a “bridge” in the Trump era- I though I’d try to speak to conservatives and liberals; try to somehow bring people together. Then I thought I’d talk about hot topics- that I’d talk about racism, Black Lives Matter, etc. I might still do that. I got spooked, because I’m white, middle class, and not the sufferer of racism in the US. Can I speak to something I don’t know? Am I supposed …