Bible verses >> anxiety

(If you haven’t read it, pls read my Disclaimer). Tw: potentially triggering Here are some Bible verses that I’ve applied in ways that have increased anxiety in my life. Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48 NIV It led to some perfectionism. Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, …


it’s me, hi There have been so many awful things happening lately, especially the hurricanes in the southern/eastern US. I really don’t have the words to say anything other than it’s horrific. There are a lot of people who have already done the work of putting together places where ppl can help/donate, easily findable on …


Do you ever feel like the pain of being alive is just too much? I don’t know what it is. Sometimes I think it’s hormones. Sometimes I think it’s empathy. Sometimes I wonder if it’s fibromyalgia (joke, but also I do have it so it can be honestly hard to know.. *laugh-cry*). Seriously though. I …


It it is a glorified pillow with eyeballs. And it is a thing of beauty. You can squish it. You can hug it. You can toss it. You can arrange it on your couch. You can arrange it on your bed. (“bop it! twist it! pull it!” comes to mind) Anyway they are cute, they …